George Hirsch Sticky Ribs

Make It Real BBQ Ribs - Chef George Hirsch | George Hirsch Lifestyle

Making real BBQ ribs is a daylong event. Wake up early in the morning and begin the day’s activity. The secret behind meat-falling-off-the-bone pork ribs is long cook time over low heat. If you cook pork ribs over low 200-225 degrees F sustained for a long time, the collagen will soften, the fat will dissolve and the meat will start falling off the bone. You will end up with some of the best pork ribs you ever made. Your family and your friends will love the results.



Charcoal Grill or Fir Pit

Hardwood Lump Charcoal

Charcoal Chimney

Hickory, Mesquite, or Fruitwood Chips

Small shove to move hot charcoal

Foil or metal pan for water bath

A Good grill/ oven thermometer


Charcoal: Use a good lump charcoal such as Cowboy Hardwood Lump, a chimney and newspaper. Never liquid lighter fluid. Start with about 10-12 lit coals on each side of your grill or slow cooker, with a pan of hot water in the middle to catch the grease from the ribs as it falls into the water, not onto the coals, avoiding grease fires and flames.

Heat Your Water. Boil some water to put into your center pan. You don’t want a cold-water bath to pull down the temperature of the cooking chamber.

Fire Up Your Ribs: Split up the coals and the heat source with about 6-7 pieces of hot coals on the left and 6-7 hot coals on the right in the pit of your cooker. You will need to add a couple additional pieces of charcoal if you are cooking more than one rack or ribs. The pan of hot water is in the center. Below the grates, to put the prepared slabs of ribs over the hot water. No hot coals should be under the ribs to avoid grease flare-ups. Cover grill for an hour, do not open the grill or you will loose the temperature.

Add Wood Chips: Before you close the cover on the grill, add water-soaked wood chips onto your coals to make some smoke.

Adding Coals: Every hour add another 6 coals and add some more water soaked chips. Maintain a constant smoky temperature of between 200 and 225 degrees F for 8 to 12 hours.

Turn Your Ribs: Turn ribs when adding new coal to grill to rotate the heat

All Great Things Take Time: You’ll know your ribs are done when the meat starts falling off the bone and the rib slabs start falling apart.