Watermelon happens to be a vegetable! That's right, watermelon was officially declared a vegetable and also named Oklahoma's official state vegetable in 2007. The watermelon is related to the squash and pumpkin family; on the good side of the family.
Believe it or not- watermelon has higher concentrations of the antioxidant lycopene than any other fresh fruit or vegetable. A two cup serving of watermelon contains almost nineteen mgs versus four mgs contained in tomatoes and has only 48 calories; but can provide 25 percent of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin C.
Tip. Pick a melon that feels heavy for its size, that's an indication it's juicy and fresh. Enjoy eating it freshly cut or make my refreshing summer cocktail made with watermelon.
Watermelon Cubes + Rind Greek Salad with Tuscan Kale Chips
Use the Entire Watermelon, Including the Rind. The rind is often the most overlooked part of the watermelon. Shred butter rind and pickle in the dressing before mixing in the salad.