My friends at Hoffman Media have published the November/December issue of Celebrate, a must read for any gathering with family and friends during this holiday season. I'm proud to share my four page feature on Perfecting Pies. I don't want to be a spoiler so I'll let you get your own copy on news stands next week. Or, you may order your own Free Trial Subscription and receive timely seasonal inspiration when watching George Hirsch Lifestyle on PBS, public television and Create TV.
And, why four pages on pie? I'm passionate about teaching the correct techniques in cooking and baking--especially baking pie. Just ask my TV crew who received a first hand lesson during a one hour taping with no stops. I could have went longer, but my TV show is only a half hour!
Watch me bake pie on GHL, Thursday, October 23rd on Create TV 7:30AM and 1:30PM. You may want to record and watch again when you get your copy of Celebrate Magazine's Holiday issue!
read George's feature in Nov/Dec issue of Celebrate Magazine, watch GHL on Create TV
I got my copy. If I can do it, You can do it!